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Why You Should Use Emails And Videos Together In Marketing

Why You Should Use Emails And Videos Together In Marketing

Video is unlike any other marketing media in terms of speed and effectiveness. As a result, if you want to enhance conversions, brand awareness, or assist educate your clients, including video in your email marketing makes a lot of sense. You may enhance email open rates just by inserting the word "video" in the subject line.


Additional video email marketing advantages are listed below:

- Easily Communicates – Videos are important for your marketing strategy since they capture people's attention. In comparison to simple text, subscribers find them more engaging and engaging. As a result, viewers are more       likely to respond to a video email.

- Both senders and receivers save time when using video emailing. It provides information about a product or service in a shorter amount of time and simplifies difficult themes.

- Penetrating Marketing Tool - Videos have a powerful way of saying things and delivering messages, and they may go viral quickly. After watching a product's video, viewers are more likely to recommend it.

- Improved Google search ranking is a huge advantage of video email marketing. We've all seen how a viral video can gain traction and attract more viewers. It may result in greater social media sharing and, as a result, a brand    boost.


As you begin, consider the following best practises and considerations:


Make a marketing strategy.

This is critical since it will assist you in defining your goals. For instance, to raise awareness, publicise events, generate leads, and so on.


Produce Outstanding Video

To get exceptional results, use professional video recording equipment. Choose a DSLR with an excellent image quality, speed, good lenses, and manual controls.


It should be brief.

Audiences are uninterested in large videos. Keep in mind that if your video is more than a few minutes long and includes a lengthy speech, you will lose your audience. Keep them between one and two minutes long and intriguing.


Examine It

Always test your video before distributing it on various platforms. You can do this by sharing your film with your friends and peers before going public with it. Their response may provide you with the honest feedback you require to improve further.



Salespeople should research web analytics and user engagement behaviour as it relates to video email marketing in order to improve email marketing results. And, if you pay attention to the recommendations made in this article, you will be able to properly organise your business. Contact Radiance VIsion for any assistance with video marketing.


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