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They asked me to write about top viral videos of all time. They also guaranteed that it would be easy. But, as it turns out, I got a seizure while selecting the top viral videos of all time – videos that can also teach useful lessons to marketers – isn’t as easy as it sounds.

Consider all pools of videos participating in a lottery contest and Viral videos are the ones that actually win the lottery of the video marketing world. They are videos that spread online more rapidly than Australian bush fires or celebrities’ secrets,  and are often successful in garnering millions of views in a few short days. (that’s why the name – Viral Videos)

Videos go viral for one reason only: you and me watch them, enjoy them, like them and share them. That’s it! It’s all about making a video that common people like and enjoy enough to share with their friends. From there on, your job is over cause then, it’s like a domino effect. Few viral videos of all times are:


Lazy Sunday

-Lazy Sunday” considered to be one of the first viral videos that helped put YouTube on the map. The app as we see today is mostly because of this video! Being uploaded back in December 2005, it was a bootleg copy of the Saturday Night Live skit, “The Chronicles of Narnia Rap.”

- How Popular Was This Video?

Hit. Massive hit. Super hit!David Itzkoff of The New York Times reported back then that “Lazy Sunday” racked up 1.2 million views in its first 10 days. For days like in 2005 with internet not surfacing up so much, 1.2 million views was a shocker to everyone!

- What Lesson Can You Learn From This?

Copyright owners can monetize their videos on YouTube. But,Yes, they have to split their ad revenue with YouTube but it’s worth it!

Evolution of Dance

Another video that went viral in YouTube’s first year was “Evolution of Dance.” Twas uploaded by Judson Laipply in April 2006, and managed to grab 305 million views ( a whooping 300 million increase in just one year!) and a surprising 1.5 million engagements, according to Tubular Labs data.


Now, I realize that you probably think I’m excluding all music videos from this list but this definitely had to make it to the list It’s “PSY – GANGNAM STYLE M/V.” Uploaded on July 2012, it has 3.3 billion views and 21 million engagements.

Dove Real Beauty Sketches :You’re more beautiful than you think 

This three-minute video uploaded by Dove went viral in April 2013 and garnered a massive 68.5 million views along with 180,000 engagements. For a company that targeted only females, this mark was an accomplishment!

Why Did This Video Go Viral?

Susan Wojcicki, the CEO of YouTube, wrote an op-ed in Adweek that said:

“These video ads don’t just generate impressions, they leave impressions. Women ages 18-34 are twice as likely to think highly of a brand that made an empowering ad and nearly 80 percent more likely to like, share, comment, and subscribe after watching one. We also ran ad recall studies on eight of the campaigns on the Empowering Ads Leader board, and all performed in the top 25 percent of their categories, with most in the top 10 percent.”

Well, after having talked about viral videos of all times and all…it’s time we learn from their strategies, from their mistakes and keep working towards our goals, because who knows, tomorrow, we could be writing about your video under the same topic.

We at Radiance Vision Group are situated in Mumbai, Vashi and Thane. We are Committed to providing high-quality service to our clients in fields related to digital marketing, video production etc. Our services through our various plans and packages related to SEO services, SEM Services, SMM Services, Corporate Film Makers, 2D 3D Animations with the trends in the society such that our services are one of the most sought not only by people in and around Mumbai, Vashi and Thane but by people all around the world too.