The wind blows east to west in Hawaii. The highest recorded temperature is 96' F (Honolulu Airport), but temperatures over 92' F generally occur only once or twice a year. The lowest temperature (under 3000 feet altitude) is 56' F. Temperatures under 60' F may occur but rarely more than once a year. Average daytime temp. (July) is 82' F. Average daytime temperature in January is 72' F
ISLAND OF NIIHAU A privately owned island, with livestock raising as its principal industry. There is highly limited access by general public through helicopter landings at uninhabited sites. Legend says Niihau was the original home of the goddess Pele. The island has a population of 230, and is 69 square miles. THE BIG ISLAND OF HAWAII The Big Island is Hawaii's largest at 4,038 square miles. It is twice the size of all other Hawaiian Islands combined
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Radiance Vision group is the organization working for more than 15 years in the field of Ad Film Makers and Video Production Services, we are committed to provide high quality of Corporate Video Production services and Ad Film Makers.