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How to Make Long-Form Videos That People Will Want to Watch

How to Make Long-Form Videos That People Will Want to Watch

Long-form video is defined as a video that lasts longer than the average for the distribution channel. Although some standards set an eight-minute cut-off, there is no general agreement on how lengthy a video must be to be considered long-form. A 100-second TV commercial, for example, feels far longer than a 30-second one. Depending on the topic matter, though, a two-minute instructive film may feel rushed. As evidenced by TED Talks, complicated topics may benefit from up to 20 minutes of presentation time.


Consumers are unconcerned about the type of device they're using.

In a world where there is always wifi, limitless data plans, and a premium on free time, the preferred device for streaming video is usually the one that is closest at hand. As consumers become more device agnostic, they expect the same high-quality content to be available regardless of where they choose to consume it.

In fact, you'd be hard pressed not to see someone watching video during a rush-hour metro ride or while waiting for an appointment in the reception area. Having access to media wherever we go has become the norm. Longer videos on mobile devices are no longer a problem because to advances in video processing technology and video transmission technologies.


The Connection Is The Differentiator For Buyers

Long-form video allows for greater relationship- and community-building opportunities. In the viewpoint of the buyer, the strength of this connection with viewers may be the only thing that separates rival businesses. Because customers can easily compare costs and reviews of a product or service online, emotionally connecting with them is critical to closing the deal.


Optimal Applications

Documentary-style United In A Dream

A good narrative is loved by all. Long-form video offers a unique opportunity to create an engaging narrative. There's no need to speed through the finer points. You can devote time to learning about the characters.


Educational Videos: It's Easier to See Than To Explain

They answer questions from the video hosts and use animated images to illustrate complex ideas. The film humanises their brand by featuring average individuals as hosts. These instructive movies may not have the same emotional impact as those produced by Patagonia. They are, nevertheless, more informative and entertaining than a straightforward blog article.



Always keep in mind that storytelling is the most important aspect of making an entertaining long-form video. Successful companies, for the most part, worked with interesting viewpoints and heroes. Finding the appropriate hook and the right people to deliver it demands similar efforts to replicate their success. If you have any questions about video advertising, please contact us.


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