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Best Five Ways To Post Your Videos

Best Five Ways To Post Your Videos

Creating a single film for your brand and posting it in a single spot used to be the norm in video marketing. Today, video marketing entails incorporating your video content into as many marketing campaigns as feasible. It's about a slew of video content that can be used and repurposed throughout the buyer's journey to attract new visitors, engage more followers, nurture more prospects, and delight recurring customers.


No matter what your purpose is, here's where you should put your video.


1. Your website

Your videos should be hosted on your website, regardless of where else you publish them online. And we don't just mean releasing a single "About Us" video—you should build a space where you routinely share video material, such as a company blog or news website. Not only is it convenient to have everything in one place, but including video on your website improves SEO, product comprehension, and sales.


2. Your social media accounts

Your company's Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram pages are all important places to share your latest video content. We'll go over how to use video on each platform in more detail below, but if you're just starting out in video marketing and wondering where to feature your video, your social accounts are an obvious choice.


3. YouTube

Posting your video content on YouTube, the second most popular social media platform, may seem obvious. While running ads on YouTube can count as attracting new viewers, posting on YouTube is more about engaging visitors and curating a community on your channel through consistent uploads. Try scheduling your YouTube videos and utilising the tag features to attract a steady stream of new viewers at the same time.


4. Pinterest

Posting a video on Pinterest as part of a curated content board is useful for nurturing your audience as well, especially if your brand or product fits the demographics that already use Pinterest regularly, such as DIY, beauty, fashion, and travel enthusiasts.


5. LinkedIn Groups

Posting your video to a public or private LinkedIn Group is another way to take advantage of LinkedIn's new video features. Using LinkedIn Groups, in particular, to cultivate a network of potential customers or brand partnerships by nurturing relationships over time, is an excellent way to find new leads.



There are numerous other places you can publish your video, but use this list as a starting point for any new video content you create. Please contact us if you have any questions about our video posts.


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